Welcome to "the Hub" page

Robotics Inspiring Science and Engineering (RISE) is excited to bring to you the RISE4STEAM Hub, affectionately called "the Hub!"
Powerplay is here and the FTC 2022/23 Field is up and ready at the Hub
The 22/23 season starts this weekend, and everyone is excited to get started building. Now, thanks to R.I.S.E., There are Four great opportunities to help your registered team excel.
The Hub field is now open for teams who desire access to a field for design, testing, and trial runs. Reservations include full use of the Powerplay field and Classroom areas.
The Rules for access are simple.
1. Time is assigned in two-hour blocks at designated times posted on www.Rise4Steam.org.
2. Coach must sign up for the time slots at least 4 days in advance by contacting [email protected].
3. One Coach or Mentor must be present, and actively supervising teams, at The Hub, at all times.
4. Only one team may reserve a time slot. (Though you may share your time with another team).
5. Teams my only reserve one time slot on the active calendar. (Shared or alone / one team one slot).
6. Team must not enter the building until your time and must exit before time slot is over.
7. Teams must clean, sweep, and remove all trash and equipment.
8. Teams must use the indoor facility only, no use of parking lots or outside areas.
9. No use of power tools, no building beyond minor repair, or use of HUB Building Area.
For more information see the schedule below and contact [email protected]
CNC LASERS, CNC Routers, Mills, Lathes, Electronics Repair, Table Tools and MUCH MORE.
The tools and equipment you need to make your Power Play are now available at the hub.
Tools at the HUB are divided into three categories:
Basic Construction tools – Hand tools, electronics repair bench, drill press, band saws, and bench tools
Additive Manufacturing - 3D Printers and Vacuum Forming Machine
Subtractive Manufacturing. – CNC LASER, CNC Router, CNC Mill, and Mini Lathe
To access the tools at the hub teams and coaches must attend the 2-hour safety / fundamentals / capabilities training session for each category of tools above and reserve a 2 hour period listed on the www.rise4steam.org web site. Tools are only available to directly support FTC Activities and only for registered teams.
TEAM Members, supervised by Coach or Mentor who attend appropriate training (and having a signed HUB Waiver on file), may operate the Basic Construction tools and Additive Manufacturing tools to take advantage of the hubs resources for FTC Related activities.
Subtractive Manufacturing tools will only be operated by HUB Staff.
HUB TRAINING and EDUCATION by Victor Ciccarelli.
Does your TEAM need one of the HUB REPAIR AND BUILDING AREA safety and introduction lessons or perhaps a refresher on JAVA or some fundamental lessons on Servo Motors or Design Software. In your block of time, you can request some special training and assistance. (Note: Minimum numbers of students and a per student fee by be required for some subjects).
Email [email protected] for more information
Need a part, have a part, trade a part? THE HUB PART SWAP area is a world apart.
Thank you to the generous donations of many individuals and teams the HUB has a wide variety of parts that are readily available to teams in need. Wheels, servos, electronics, frame components and much more and the price is always right.
If you need something from our parts area, then trade us something of equal value allowing us to give it forward for the next team.
Don’t have a part to trade, No problem because we ALWAYS need teams to help with working parties, events, and meets. Sign your team up to give a few hours of help at and event and take part in this exchange.
HUB Hours and Sept Time Slots are.
The hub is only open by reservations and at the times below, no drop-in’s are allowed. All team visits must be preapproved and coordinated with [email protected]
Alumnus, Mentors, Coaches, Parents and Teams! Helps us help the FTC region!
Non-Team members, sign up today to become a volunteer RISE “HUB HOST” and help us offer more shop hours to more teams. RISE HUB HOST’s will be asked to open the HUB for 2-hour periods so that team can come in and utilize the field. HUB HOSTs will be responsible to make sure HUB rules, safety and FIRST protocols are followed by all HUB guests and the facility is left clean.
Do you have a skill or some knowledge that Teams can use? Do you have a desire to help other coaches and teams be the best they can be? Teams, do you have a class or seminar you want to put on for the region? Then contact [email protected] and let’s talk!
The 22/23 season starts this weekend, and everyone is excited to get started building. Now, thanks to R.I.S.E., There are Four great opportunities to help your registered team excel.
The Hub field is now open for teams who desire access to a field for design, testing, and trial runs. Reservations include full use of the Powerplay field and Classroom areas.
The Rules for access are simple.
1. Time is assigned in two-hour blocks at designated times posted on www.Rise4Steam.org.
2. Coach must sign up for the time slots at least 4 days in advance by contacting [email protected].
3. One Coach or Mentor must be present, and actively supervising teams, at The Hub, at all times.
4. Only one team may reserve a time slot. (Though you may share your time with another team).
5. Teams my only reserve one time slot on the active calendar. (Shared or alone / one team one slot).
6. Team must not enter the building until your time and must exit before time slot is over.
7. Teams must clean, sweep, and remove all trash and equipment.
8. Teams must use the indoor facility only, no use of parking lots or outside areas.
9. No use of power tools, no building beyond minor repair, or use of HUB Building Area.
For more information see the schedule below and contact [email protected]
CNC LASERS, CNC Routers, Mills, Lathes, Electronics Repair, Table Tools and MUCH MORE.
The tools and equipment you need to make your Power Play are now available at the hub.
Tools at the HUB are divided into three categories:
Basic Construction tools – Hand tools, electronics repair bench, drill press, band saws, and bench tools
Additive Manufacturing - 3D Printers and Vacuum Forming Machine
Subtractive Manufacturing. – CNC LASER, CNC Router, CNC Mill, and Mini Lathe
To access the tools at the hub teams and coaches must attend the 2-hour safety / fundamentals / capabilities training session for each category of tools above and reserve a 2 hour period listed on the www.rise4steam.org web site. Tools are only available to directly support FTC Activities and only for registered teams.
TEAM Members, supervised by Coach or Mentor who attend appropriate training (and having a signed HUB Waiver on file), may operate the Basic Construction tools and Additive Manufacturing tools to take advantage of the hubs resources for FTC Related activities.
Subtractive Manufacturing tools will only be operated by HUB Staff.
HUB TRAINING and EDUCATION by Victor Ciccarelli.
Does your TEAM need one of the HUB REPAIR AND BUILDING AREA safety and introduction lessons or perhaps a refresher on JAVA or some fundamental lessons on Servo Motors or Design Software. In your block of time, you can request some special training and assistance. (Note: Minimum numbers of students and a per student fee by be required for some subjects).
Email [email protected] for more information
Need a part, have a part, trade a part? THE HUB PART SWAP area is a world apart.
Thank you to the generous donations of many individuals and teams the HUB has a wide variety of parts that are readily available to teams in need. Wheels, servos, electronics, frame components and much more and the price is always right.
If you need something from our parts area, then trade us something of equal value allowing us to give it forward for the next team.
Don’t have a part to trade, No problem because we ALWAYS need teams to help with working parties, events, and meets. Sign your team up to give a few hours of help at and event and take part in this exchange.
HUB Hours and Sept Time Slots are.
The hub is only open by reservations and at the times below, no drop-in’s are allowed. All team visits must be preapproved and coordinated with [email protected]
Alumnus, Mentors, Coaches, Parents and Teams! Helps us help the FTC region!
Non-Team members, sign up today to become a volunteer RISE “HUB HOST” and help us offer more shop hours to more teams. RISE HUB HOST’s will be asked to open the HUB for 2-hour periods so that team can come in and utilize the field. HUB HOSTs will be responsible to make sure HUB rules, safety and FIRST protocols are followed by all HUB guests and the facility is left clean.
Do you have a skill or some knowledge that Teams can use? Do you have a desire to help other coaches and teams be the best they can be? Teams, do you have a class or seminar you want to put on for the region? Then contact [email protected] and let’s talk!